It's Official: Best Joke Ever

Published: 11 November, 2024

  • Singularity by Jon Hopkins


I love Jon Hopkins' 2018 album Singularity. I was a little late to discover his music but listened to it thoroughly in mid-2019 and 2020. I made this music card in mid-2019, mostly as a way to shoehorn in a joke that I'd made a few years previously, and had been talking up and attempting to work into conversations regularly since then.

I think it's a good joke. 

Most other people, including my wife and son, disagree. 

Below, I make my case to you. What follows is something I wrote in 2013 soon after making my joke. If we can classify this post as literature, this is one of the great jokes in the history of literature.

Earlier this week, I came perhaps as close as I’ll ever get to delivering a line as good as one of my favourite jokes of all time.

The ideal joke was delivered by Michael Scott (Steve Carell) in the American version of The Office. The joke comes in a scene in which he delivers a speech saying that he doesn’t distinguish between blue-collar and white-collar workers. Instead, he is ‘collar-blind’.


It’s one of my favourite jokes, and this week as my wife, son and I were having dinner, I made a joke that comes as close as anything I’m likely to ever say.

My wife was having noodles in soup with coriander and some other herbs. She offered to share some of her meal with our three-year-old son. He loves noodles.

'Do you want some?’ she said.

'I don’t like salad’, my son said. He considers herbs, spinach and any green that resembles lettuce as 'salad’, and refuses to eat it.

The coriander leaves were chopped and stuck to many of the noodles.

'I can take off some of the salad off of the noodles’, my wife said. 'But not all of them’.

'Do you know why the salad sticks with the noodles?’ I asked.

'No,' my wife said, then asked why.

'It’s because it has salad-arity’, I said.

Spotify embed (or YouTube video or playlist, or Vimeo)

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